Parish News

St. Vincent DePaul Pantry Needs
April 25, 2024

St. Vincent DePaul Pantry Needs

· Canned fruit · Pancake mix · breakfast bars · condiments in small containers · Shelf stable or powdered milk · snack type crackers · Soups · Raman noodles · Peanut butter · pork and beans · Canned beans · gravy mixes or canned gravy · Canned chili with or without beans · Small bottles of hot sauce · canned potatoes · Fruit cups · spaghetti sauce · Pasta noodles · tomato sauce · Canned meats · Hamburger Helper type items · Canned chicken · Tuna Helper type items · Canned stew · Instant potatoes · Boxed potato side dishes · boxed noodle or rice side dishes · Syrup